The Science of Adab

How do you teach adab? A simple yet essential question that’s easy to ask but quite difficult to answer and even harder to follow through in action. That’s because  most of us do not look at adab as a science when in fact we should. Teaching Adab is a comprehensive and nuanced science that requires knowledge, training and a complex skill set. It is not something that can simply be picked up by an educator or learnt inherently through one’s experience. To teach adab, one must know the science of adab, it’s apparent and hidden realities and how it relates to character development. Our prophet Muhammad peace be upon him is described in the Quran as “the best in character” and the science of adab is closely tied to his character. As an educator,  it is a great and weighty responsibility because it not only demands that you learn the science of adab but also reflect its beauty and light through your own character. In the form of a rhythmic poem, one of our learning coaches captured an eye account of adab coming to life at Sanad Prep. We hope this gives you a glimpse of what makes Sanad Prep’s environment loving, nurturing and transformational for our students. 

The Realization

By Ameena Nasir
I learnt something that day and it was really profound
It happened the day the beaker fell to the ground
Laughter, tension and chaos abound
But it was only met with curiosity that left me spellbound

Gently and slowly she guided his way
No anger or consequence was shown on that day
Smiling, the message she did convey
Was that we all make mistakes and it’s okay

Such a beautiful example for us all
Of how to respond to children in matters big or small
The glass was broken when the beaker did fall
But the child’s dignity and heart was preserved for the long haul

On the day, a realization was found
That in order for a child to swim and not drown
He needs no judgment but only sincere concern around
I learnt adab that day, it was really profound. 

It is true that teaching adab begins at home and parents/guardians are the very first teachers of this science. However, their role and influence lessons or sometimes diminishes as children enter schools and places of learning where they are not seeing any active examples of adab or at worst, are constantly witnessing examples of bad adab. Because of this, a correct understanding of adab not only fades in our children, it is threatened because no effort is being made to cultivate it within their heart and soul. Adab cannot be drilled in the mind. It is slowly fostered and developed as it gently takes root in the heart and the soul. An educator that is not trained to impart this lesson cannot impart this lesson. And a system that does not value adab as a core science cannot disseminate it to its pupils. 

Our mission at Sanad Trust Foundation is to provide a place of learning for you and your child that honors, represents and upholds adab.  Our approach, ethos and our model are all predicated on this essential concept. It is what we strive to preserve, cultivate and propagate through our education, wellness and community programs. Adab is and will always remain front and center of our efforts. We believe it is our best chance of getting close to the one whose example portrays the best adab for humanity.