Book Review: Prayer of the Oppressed

Imam al-Dari’s words are remembered today because of their spiritual nature and everlasting content. The translation and introduction done by Hamza Yusuf is extraordinary in its accomplishment. Yusuf has successfully been able to convey content, context, and melody in his work.
The introduction and prologue too are captivating. This is uncommon when the heart of the book is clearly Imam Dari’s passionate and flowing plea. Both in the original Arabic and in Yusuf’s English translation the reader can move with the same emotional rhythm Imam Dari’s heart and soul had when he wrote this masterpiece.
The reading of the supplication is natural and lucid. One can easily read it to a child as a bedtime prayer or to adults as spoken word poetry. Young and old, lovers of poetry and lovers of God…all will benefit from this translation and introduction by Hamza Yusuf. Imam Dar’i and the One whom his plea was for should be pleased.
-Rehan Mirza