Sanad Prep Frequently Asked Questions

Sanad Prep Onsite & Online, our K-12 learning center, is built upon the fundamental principle that every child has the right to have their noble innate nature reach its full potential. The gateway to achieving this is through adab, knowledge, and love. – Ustadh Rehan Mirza

What is Sanad Prep and its pedagogy?

Founded in 2010, Sanad Prep is the first on-the-ground blended learning model to use a learning coach approach and leverage the resources of a public school education. Our full-time program meets the personal, academic, and spiritual needs of K-12 students through a soul-centered approach to learning and teaches using an accredited curriculum with certified teacher and learning coach support in a safe and moral environment.

Our pedagogy and programs are centered on the soul and are thoughtfully developed to complement and build upon one another. Our holistic approach to learning is intended to ensure love, understanding, and practical application. We place an uncompromising emphasis on adab (moral etiquette), as well as the understanding that for students of knowledge there is a clear and consistent expectation of academic ihsaan (excellence) and academic integrity.

What is a blended learning model?

Blended learning as defined by “The Blended Learning Universe” occurs when two or more models of learning integrate creating a new modality. For Sanad Prep students, this means that they use a fully accredited, public school curriculum that enables them to receive high quality oversight and instruction from state-certified teachers. However, all coursework and learning takes place at Sanad Prep, where we provide a safe moral environment, learning teams for each grade level, and skilled, trained and certified learning coaches offering personal attention to every learner and grade level, and total support from registration to graduation.

Why does Sanad Prep use a public school curriculum?

Sanad Prep works with public school options available to South Florida students and families. The Standard Sciences of language arts, math, science, and history are learned using the same Florida standards and a trusted and accredited curriculum. In fact, your child will continue to be a registered public school student and receive certified teacher oversight and certified learning coach support online and on the ground. Sanad Prep provides your child with a safe moral environment, small group learning for each grade level, and personal attention from registration to graduation.

Because our students remain registered as public school students, their transcript grades are issued by the county and end-of-year testing is proctored offsite by the public school closest to their home. This ensures the integrity of our work, its high quality, and the academic rigor of a Sanad Prep education. You can have the confidence knowing that your child is learning at par or beyond the standards of his/her public school peers and has the same or better opportunity to be accepted to any postsecondary program, college, or university.

Why should my family consider enrolling in Sanad Prep?

Sanad Prep’s program meets the individual, intellectual, and spiritual needs of students through a soul-centered approach to learning and teaching. We nurture our students to develop good character and moral etiquette, ensuring a healthy balance in their life, personality, and identity. Alongside intellectual development, Sanad also addresses the needs of their souls.

We place an uncompromising emphasis on Adab (moral etiquette), understanding that students of knowledge must consistently strive for academic ihsaan (excellence) and integrity. Since its inception, Sanad Prep students have maintained a 3.0 GPA or higher, with opportunities to participate in advanced, honors, AP, and dual enrollment courses. Our graduates consistently achieve top scores on standardized tests, earn valedictorian and salutatorian honors, and compete academically with the best high schools in the country.

Sanad Prep provides a healthy and safe environment where students receive love, care, and appreciation, fostering their growth and learning.

What kind of student thrives at Sanad Prep?

Sanad Prep flourishes with students who are:

  • Intrinsically Motivated: A love of learning and a desire for personal growth are key! Our students are self-driven and excited to explore their faith and academics.
  • Actively Supported at Home: Strong family support is vital for success in our model. Open communication and collaboration between parents and teachers is essential.
  • Meeting or Exceeding Grade Level: Students who are on track or ahead will find Sanad Prep’s advanced curriculum appropriately challenging. High schoolers can even earn college credits through dual enrollment. This is ideal for intrinsically motivated learners who crave a stimulating environment.
  • Respectful and Responsible: Our emphasis on adab (moral etiquette) fosters a positive learning environment. Students who thrive here appreciate clear guidance and strive to be well-mannered role models.


Who is a Sanad Prep Learning Coach?

The Sanad Prep Learning Coach is unlike any teacher you will find. We believe in one-on-one attention and engagement. A personal relationship with each student is not optional, it is a right they have upon their teacher. As such, we see it as a responsibility and a sacred trust to cultivate mutual love and respect between teacher and student. Our learning coaches are in constant communication to ensure that there is no gap in our student/soul-centered approach to education.  We will walk with your child and not lead from a distance ahead. Sanad Prep Learning Coaches are a part of your family’s team and will work with you to ensure your child develops intellectually and spiritually. We are honored by this partnership and truly believe that “a self-directed child is a wonder to behold.” *

What are the qualifications and credentials of Sanad Prep Learning Coaches?

All learning coaches at Sanad Prep go through rigorous and comprehensive training to fulfill the position of a Learning Coach. Our learning coaches are trained in managing multiple grade levels simultaneously, while ensuring successful delivery and results for each individual student based on their respective grade. We focus on three areas when considering & training  a team member:

  1. Educational and professional background,
  2. Character and temperament,
  3. Personality and capacity for growth and training

Our Coaches all have college degrees in different disciplines, including Ivy league education. The Learning Coach training sits above the traditional degrees and not aside or below it. We have developed proven methodologies and practices with transformational results for our students and families for over a decade.

How do the Learning Coaches work with the students at Sanad Prep?

Classes are grouped by grade level and each class has a dedicated Learning Coach who is trained to work in those grade levels. Learning Coaches work with students, both in small groups and one-on-one, to complete the students daily plan of lessons which is delivered online. Like a traditional classroom, our students spend much of their time doing offline work – reading books, having discussion, solving math problems on paper, drawing, and conducting science experiments.

Throughout the day, students work synchronously and asynchronously.

In synchronous learning, Learning Coaches guide students through lessons, facilitate group discussions, and ensure that students understand lesson content. Learning Coaches also work one-on-one with students who need more assistance in a subject area, or to give feedback and support on assignments. In portions of the day, students work asynchronously which means they work an assignment or lesson individually and the Learning Coach checks in periodically to ensure understanding and that the lesson objectives are met.  

What are the Standard and Sacred Sciences at Sanad Prep?

The Standard Sciences include the core subjects (English, Math, Science, and Social Studies) as well as Elective subjects (Art, Health/P.E, Foreign Language, etc.). These subjects are delivered through the district’s online curriculum provider. Instruction and oversight are provided from Florida certified teachers as well as Sanad Prep Learning Coaches.

The Sacred Sciences classes, Quranic Studies and Islamic Studies, take place in the afternoon. We use authentic and pioneering resources, as well as advanced books and online resources for our students. We focus on instilling in our students empathy and honor for the seerah, as well as sound comprehension and appreciation for fiqh and aqeedah.

What grade levels does Sanad Prep offer?

Sanad Prep generally offers grades KG – 12. Final grade offerings are based on enrollment demand each year, with a minimum of 4 students per class.

What are the classroom sizes?

There is a limited number of students per class so the LC can create a family and team atmosphere for each learner. Classroom sizes do not exceed 10 students, and there are typically 5 students per class.

How much time do Sanad Prep students spend online?

Although the curriculum is delivered online, Sanad Prep students personally interact with their Learning Coaches and engage with their peers throughout the day. In fact, elementary students spend much of their time offline, working directly with their Learning Coach, or in small groups. Middle and high school students also engage in classroom instruction, group discussions, and work with tutors face-to-face. All Sanad Prep students use offline materials like textbooks, novels, workbooks, science materials, math manipulatives, and more.

What is the daily schedule at Sanad Prep like?

The Sanad Prep day begins at 8:30am. Students arrive and pray salatul Duha, then sit for the morning assembly, in which all students gather to begin the day with the intention to seek knowledge by Imam al-Haddad, followed by important reminders by Ustadh Rehan and other staff. At 9:00am, students go to their respective classrooms to work on the Standard Sciences with their learning coach and peers until 2:00pm. All students have a 15 minute break at 11:00am and 30 minute lunch break at 12:00pm. Students pray salatul Dhuhr together at 2:00pm, then participate in Quranic Studies from 2:15pm to 3:00pm daily. Twice a week students have Islamic Studies class from 3:00pm to 3:30pm and twice a week they participate in PE classes from 3:00pm to 3:30pm. The day ends at 3:30pm Monday through Thursday and at 1:00pm on Fridays so that families can attend Jummah prayers together.

What are the family and student commitment and expectations?

Every family who is interested in enrolling in Sanad Prep must go through the Sanad Prep admission process. The first step is to complete our online application. We’ll then schedule an interview meeting with the family and student to ensure that Sanad Prep is the right fit. Once a letter of acceptance is offered, we’ll work together to enroll the student in the county/district program.

Once admitted into Sanad Prep, students are expected to strive for academic excellence. Our students should aim to maintain an “A/B” average or 3.0 GPA. Our model is based on an uncompromising focus on adab and our goal for students is to continually refine and maintain adab – good moral character. Additionally, students must maintain regular attendance during the school year. Families and students are expected to abide by all Sanad Prep Policies and Procedures. 

We highly encourage families to be involved in Sanad Prep, as parent participation is an integral component of the model. When parents/guardians offer their service through volunteering our learning center gains access to talents and abilities that might otherwise have to be funded. As such each Sanad Prep family is responsible for accruing 10 Village credits of volunteer time or service each academic year.

Sanad Prep students are not “online” students. Although the curriculum is provided online, students personally interact with their LCs throughout the day. In fact, elementary students spend more time offline, working directly with the LC, or in small groups. Middle and high school students also engage in classroom instruction, group discussions, and work with tutors face-to-face. All students use textbooks, novels, workbooks, manipulatives, etc.

Does Sanad Prep require standardized testing?

Sand Prep students are registered public school students. As such, it is required that all students participate in state mandated testing. Testing takes place either at the district main office, or at the student’s locally zoned school. Parents are responsible for transporting the student to and from testing.

What is Sanad Prep’s record of achievement?

At Sanad Prep, academic excellence is our tradition. We are proud to have a 100% graduation rate, with every student gaining acceptance to their university of choice and earning  scholarships. Since our inception, over a decade ago, our overall student body (K-12) has maintained a GPA of 3.0 or higher, with an average graduating unweighted GPA of 3.8 and weighted GPA of 4.5. Our students excel in advanced grade-level subjects, and participate in Honors, AP, and Dual Enrollment College Courses, ensuring they are well-prepared for future academic endeavors. Our graduates leave with a strong foundation in their deen having memorized Juz Amma and gained an understanding the principles of belief and foundational sacred law, and having developed a deep connection with the Prophetic example and good character. Furthermore, all our high school students qualify for college courses through dual enrollment or AP, and our seniors are Early College Admission students. At Sanad Prep, we are committed to fostering academic excellence, character development, and a deep connection to our values.

Does Sanad Prep offer extra-curricular activities?

Sanad Prep students enjoy social and project-based learning through the Sanad Prep Media Lab, educational field trips, in-house workshops, and more. Students engage in creating podcasts, newsletters, yearbooks, blogging and vlogging, school projects, and develop essential leaderships skills through planning programs provided through Sanad Trust Foundation. At Sanad Prep, we believe in giving our students a voice. They are encouraged to share their interests and ideas for new clubs and activities. Our dedicated staff is committed to fostering these interests, working collaboratively with students to create opportunities that align with their passions.

What is the tuition at Sanad Prep?

Sanad Prep remains the best value for Muslim families, when compared to other local and nationally reputable Islamic and private school annual tuitions. Tuition is $5,000 annually. (*Please refer to the Tuition Fee schedule for the most updated amount for the current academic year.)

Does Sanad Prep accept any scholarships or offer tuition assistance?

It is our priority to make Sanad Prep accessible and available to all families. While Sanad Prep does not currently offer tuition assistance or accept scholarships, families can choose to pay the $5,000 annual tuition over 10 months ($500/mo) or 12 months ($417/mo). Sibling tuition discounts are also offered. If a family is zakat eligible, we may be able to collect funds on their behalf. Subsidy Based Grants for families who apply and meet the eligibility criteria may also be available.

Sanad Prep also has an internal Scholarship Fund called Barakah & Bilal Scholarship Fund reserved for students who are granted admission at Sanad Prep. (Please refer to the Barakah & Bilal Scholarship Fund details to learn more about the fund.)

What is the Sanad Prep Village?

The Sanad Prep model is unique in so many ways; in part, it is because we are a family of families. At Sanad Prep we know that we are strengthened by what each team member, student, parent, and grandparent has to offer us every day. For this reason, we “built a village” around us known as the Sanad Prep Village. In this village, Sanad Prep families can share ideas, plan, show concern, and most importantly, add to the learning experience and growth of our Sanad Prep students and families in tangible ways. This concept is deeply rooted in the African proverb, “It takes a village to raise a child,” which emphasizes the importance of community involvement in nurturing and educating children. By embracing this philosophy, we ensure that every child benefits from the collective wisdom, support, and love of an entire community, fostering a rich environment where they can thrive.

Does Sanad Prep have a dress code?

All staff and students are expected to dress modestly, according to the attire prescribed in Islam for men and women respectively. The clothes for staff and students should not have any slogans, messages, or writings on them, and should fall within the Sanad Prep color scheme. All students during school hours must respect this dress code at all times.

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